Joslyn Prince is the picture of survival. In 2013, Prince was the lone survivor of a tragic accident that claimed the lives of National Football Coach Kirt Hector and National Footballer Norran Jno Hope.
Since the tragedy that gripped the nation’s attention, Prince has pursued a career as a fireman and continues to achieve success as a footballer. He is captain of the Sagicor South East Football team, winning the Dominica Football Association (DFA) Premier League Championship two years running and the DFA Nation’s Cup (2021).
Q & A with Melle catches up with Joslyn Prince for eMAGE DM.
- How did you first connect with football and what was your main motivation to begin playing?
My love for the game started at the Grand Fond Primary School. Back then, we used empty soda bottles as balls and school shoes as the goal. Football has always brought me joy and so I had no other choice than to do what makes me happy and that is playing the beautiful game.
- What is it about your leadership and the South East team that has made the past two seasons of the DFA Premier League so successful?
I think it’s the connection that I have with my teammates and the coaching staff on and off the field. I do my best every day to lead by example especially to the younger guys. I try to model discipline, to be very consistent in training and to conduct myself in a positive way so they can take example from my approach.
- Which local football icon has influenced you in your football career?
Local icon? Dr. Pharaoh Cuffy has always been the most influential person in my football career. Growing up, it wasn’t about Ronaldinho or Totti or Maldini. It was Pharoah. I wanted to be like him on the ball. He had great technique, vision and this crazy ball control which was out of this world. He’s the reason why I’m so passionate about the game today.
- If not football, what other sports would you be interested in playing?
Definitely cricket. I love the 20/20 series.
- Which current player do you watch nowadays on any team and think, “He’s got some skills.”
Hmmm. Lorenzo Insigne who plays for Napoli. This guy got mad skills. I look at highlights of him every day.
- Do you have a specific routine or anything special that you do before or after you play a big game?
I always pray before I touch the field. I need Jesus in everything I do. I motivate my teammates in whichever way I can to keep them confident.
- As a Fire Officer you must be extremely busy. How do you balance your job with your love for football?
It can be quite difficult sometimes. There are days when I want to train and I’m at work and vice versa. It’s just a time for everything. My job? I show it a lot of respect. Being a Fire Officer made me the man I am today. I also love football. Whenever I’m off duty I can’t wait to get out there to train.
- What has been the highlight of your football career to date?
Winning the premier league twice.
- What has been your biggest disappointment?
I think it’s not being able to play at the level I deserve to be.
- You went through a traumatic experience, an accident that claimed the lives of your coach Kirt Hector and colleague national player Norran Jno Hope. How did this impact your life and your attitude to the sport?
After all of this, I had to be grateful for the opportunity to live, to breathe, to play ball again. It made me value life so much more than I did before. Everything I do today I do it with these two guys in my heart. I carry them with me everywhere I go. I promised myself that I would work very hard to help bring a championship to Sagicor South East for Kirt and Norran.
- Are you satisfied with the state of sports in Dominica?
Not entirely. I believe a lot more can be done to help improve the state of sports in Dominica. We need opportunities to be created for those interested in the different sporting disciplines. Many may argue that we’re a small country but wherever talent lies there’s hope for greatness. Give us a chance. To improve we need to provide the necessary equipment and gear to players and teams, upgrade our playing fields and facilities. There is also a need to provide more scholarships for persons to study in sports related fields.
- Can we expect to see you make another play to be part of the Senior Men’s National Team?
You just never know. I love representing our country. I do it with great pride. Perhaps I may just give it one last push.
- What would be your advice to young footballers just starting out in the Sport?
I would say to them show respect to yourself. Show respect to the game. Don’t let anybody tell you that you cannot play. Tell yourself that you are capable of being the best and you will be.

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