Coryn Anaya Clarke is a little girl with big dreams. At just five years old, she has already been written into her country’s history books as the youngest published author in Trinidad and Tobago. Her first book Chronicles of Coryn: 7 Days of Fun, was published in 2020 when she was just four years old.
A little birdie told us that Coryn is about to publish yet another book so we caught up with her to get the scoop.
Before we introduce you to the child prodigy, let’s share some of what we already know. When she isn’t writing, Coryn does yoga, practices her ballet moves and plays piano with her daddy.
She’s met some of the politicians in her country and has been featured in publications across the region, leaving a trail of adoring fans mesmerized by her poise and grace.
How does a child so young get to be so bold, so brave so undeniably remarkable? What is it that fuels the fire at the depths of her little soul? We aim to find out.
We caught up with Coryn as she prepares to release her second literary offering. Here’s what she had to say.

Coryn Anaya Clarke is Trinidad and Tobago’s youngest published author
Interviewer: Hello Coryn, thank you for agreeing to speak with us. I understand that you are an author, congratulations on your first book. Can you please tell us what its about?
Coryn: Sure! Well my first book is Chronicles of Coryn: 7 Days of Fun and its about me and my family doing fun activities like swimming, yoga, ballet and making red velvet cupcakes with vanilla frosting. Authors write books to inform, persuade and entertain, did you know that? Chronicles of Coryn: 7 Days of Fun doesn’t persuade its just to inform you-well the people who read my book- of all the things I do with my family and to entertain them too.
Interviewer: Oh wow, that’s a mouthful! You really are a brilliant girl, aren’t you?
Coryn: Yes, I am. Do you want to know about my second book?
Interviewer: Yes, we would love to hear about it, but before you do can you please tell us how you went about writing your first book? Why did you write it?
Coryn: I got to read to all the people on Instagram for #Read2MeTT then I did it again and again. After that, I told my mummy I wanted to write a book of my own so I could read it on Instagram. She didn’t really listen to me so I wrote it on my own and showed it to her. She was surprised and proud because I did it on my own. We found an illustrator- that’s the man who drew the pictures for my books. I told him what I wanted and he made a few mistakes sometimes but that’s ok, because he didn’t give up and he got it right. So I wrote the book and Sameer drew the pictures and my mummy put it on Amazon. So that’s how I wrote my first book.
Interviewer: Coryn you’re amazing! Are you sure you’re only five years old?
Coryn: Yes. My birthday is October 23, I’ll be six
Interviewer: Was it difficult to write this book?
Coryn: Not really… I have all these thoughts going around in my head, sometimes its clear like a straight line or a circle but sometimes it’s all jumbled and tied up like the strings for my necklaces so I have to take my time and take out the knots before it makes sense. That is how it is sometimes but when I remove the knots it’s really, really easy to write it down in my note book. I don’t know how to spell all the words yet so my mummy helps me. Writing is a lot of fun but it’s hard work! I write words in my word bank, I write letters and I write books, but you already know that.
Interviewer: Coryn, Coryn, Coryn, wow! Just WOW! You really are a special little lady. Please tell us about your second book, I understand it will be released soon…
Coryn: Yes, I am soooo excited! This book is Chronicles of Coryn: Adventures in Saint Kitts and Nevis and it’s about the last time I went there to visit my grandparents and my uncle. I was feeling sad that I can’t visit them because of COVID-19 but writing makes me feel better
Interviewer: What do you do when you’re not writing?
Coryn: Sooooo many things! I’m learning to play the piano, I love music so I also sing a lot of songs. I make videos for my Facebook and Instagram, and I also read a lot of books. My mummy says reading is knowledge and knowledge is power, we like power so we read A LOT! *insert giggle* And of course I also have school, online school is fun but I really miss my friends…
Interviewer: Amazing! That brings me to my next question, has your life changed at all since you wrote your first book?
Coryn: My mummy and daddy still treat me the same but more people know me now, I’m really popular! I got to visit the Prime Minister’s Office but Dr Rowley wasn’t there. I only saw him in a big picture that was on the wall. I did see Minister Webster-Roy, she was really nice. We did yoga together. Minister Webster-Roy said she was proud of me and she really enjoyed my book. I also met Minister Doctor Gadsby-Dolly, she held a ceremony for me because she was inspired by me. That’s what she said. I will meet Doctor Rowley one day, maybe when COVID-19 is gone. He had COVID-19, did you know that? He’s better now. I wrote him a letter…
Interviewer: If you had the opportunity to say one thing to other children around the world what would you say to them?
Coryn: I guess I will tell them they can do anything they put their minds to and to always use their voice because their voice is important.
Interviewer: Thank you Coryn! Is there anything else you’d like to share with us?
Coryn: Well my second book will be on Amazon soon and I am also getting my very own website, I’m really excited about that! Its
Interviewer: Congratulations Coryn, we look forward to following you on your journey
If like us, you’d love to keep up with the Chronicles of Coryn, you can follow her on Instagram, add her on Facebook and Subscribe to her YouTube channel.

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